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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Quantum model of EEG.cmap, QUANTUM MODEL OF EEG 6. Music metaphor has gained new sup- port from gravimagnetic anomaly claim- ed by Tajmar er al. a) Music metaphor together with the as- sumption that h_eff is proportional to mass number A, or even to mass of the particle, suggests that cyclotron ener- gies identifiable as bio-photon energi- es are universal and do not depend on charged particle mass. The spectrum of values for B_end would correspond di- rectly to the spectrum of bio-photon energies analogous to frequencies of the music scale. b) Visible portion of the spectrum would define the lowest octave and UV energies the higher octaves. All these energies energies are molecular and atomic trans- ition energies so that molecules would be the instruments and the music would be realized also as various bio-chemical reactions. c) Each biophoton energy would corre- spond to a collection of cyclotron fre- quencies for molecules able to make tran- sitions with that energy. This would provide a new mechanism of bio- catalysis besides the reconnection and contraction of magnetic flux tubes. d) The gigantic gravimagnetic Thomson field claimed by Tajmar et al to explain an anomalously large mass of Cooper pairs obtained by measuring Thomson field could be understood in terms of the identi- fication h_eff=h_gr=GMm/v_0. h_eff =h_em can also hold true and for ATP synthase the va- lue of h_em is consistent with h_em=h_gr= h_eff. h_eff and thus the number n of sheets depends on the masses or charges at the ends of the flux tube. One implication would be that dark EEG photons decay to bio-pho- ton with universal energy spectrum re- flecting directly the spectrum of endo- genous magnetic field. Similar spectrum was deduced earlier from a quantum mo- del for hearing. The endogenous magnetic B_end =.2 Gauss could correspond to the minimum value of B_end., QUANTUM MODEL OF EEG 5. Model for the band structure. a) The membrane potential is expressible as sum of membra- ne potential, neural perturba- tions, and sinusoidal cyclotron contribution reflecting the control signals. b) In absence of neural pertur- bation Josephson current is sum of amplitude modulated Josephson current amplitude and its amplitude modulated derivative. c) Resting potential can also have discreteset of values analogous to the notes of the musical scale. Also B_end must have corresponding set of values. c) Primary sub-bands correspond to cyclotron frequencies of bosonic ions and are expected to correspond to resonance bands with large ampltude. d) If B_end and h_eff have spect- rum coming as octaves, the reso- nances coming as octave multiples are predicted. The structure of alpha band is predicted to appear as scaled versions: delta, theta,alpha, and sca- led versions of alpha around 20 Hz, 40 Hz, and 80 Hz (retina). e) Frequency modulation by the input from MB gives rise to weaker secondary bands having frequenci- es f=mf_J±nf_c. Sensorimotor rhythms in 12-16 Hz range and beta band would correspond to se- condary bands. f) The EEG associated with various stages of sleep can be understood and also why we do not have memo- ries about experiences during sleep., QUANTUM MODEL OF EEG 3. How magnetic body re- ceives the signal and responds to it? a) The receiving part of magnetic body is assumed to be tube with varying thickness and thus value of B that is cyclotron frequ- ency f_c of BE condensa- te ion or ionic Cooper pair. b) The receival occurs at resonance: f_J=nf_c so that that different values of f_J are received at different parts of tube. Signal is coded to a "sen- sation" moving along the tube back and forth. c) This give rise to coding as "whale's song". Also human speech when listened as slowed down version suggests strongly frequency modulation. d) The cyclotron phase transitions or phase tran- in which h_eff is reduced and p-adic prime increa- ses such that net effect on flux tube size vanishes reduce the intensity of B by flux conservation. Radi- ation with very near to harmonic of cyclotron fre- quency is emitted and defines the response of MB as signals to DNA eventually inducing genetic activity. e) MB also provides feed- back at harmonics of cyc- lotron frequencies super- posing to membrane poten- tial., QUANTUM MODEL OF EEG 2. How Josephson radia- tion could code for sensory input? a) At microcopic level cylindrical Josephson junction formed by lipid layers of cell membrane reduces to Josephson junctions formed by various proteins defining re- ceptors, channels and pumps. b) The frequency of Josephson radiation is given by f_J= ZeV/h_eff and for h_eff= n×h it can be arbitrarily low. For h_eff=h f_J would be about 10^12 Hz. c) The energy E_J= ZeV of Josephson radiation is just above the ther- mal energy at physio- logical temperatures for electron Cooper pairs with Z=2 so that that the signal is not masked by thermal noi- se and metabolic costs are minimized. d) Nerve pulse activi- ty modulates mem- brane potential and there are also more re- fined modulations not requiring nerve pulse. Voltage modulations induce frequency mo- dulation of Josephson radiation thus coding the sensory input., QUANTUM MODEL OF EEG 1. Basic ideas and concepts: a) Basic new element in the model is magnetic body (MB): organism+environment → organism+environment+MB. b) MB has fractal onion-like structure having very large layers about minimal size of causal diamonds (CDs) associated with elementary particles. c) Size scale of CD corresponds to secondary p-adic time scale T for particle. For electron one has T= .1 s,which corresponds to the Earts's circumference and to 10 Hz alpha frequency. d) Dark photons identified as cyclotron photons generated at MB, as photonsof Josephson radiation at Josephson junctions defined by cell membranes, and photons emitted by microtubules acting as quantum antennas. e) Functions of EEG: e1) communications to magnetic body from cell membrane by positive energy signals e2) Control of biological body by magnetic body using negative energy signals arriving via flux sheets traversing DNA strands. f) Biophoton intensity fluctua- tions correlated with those of EEG, which suggests that biopho- tons result in energy conserving transformationof dark EEG photons to ordinary ones. g) A generalization of EEG to fractal hierarchy of EEG like spectra is highly suggestive and would reflect the onionilike structure of MB and structure of organism., QUANTUM MODEL OF EEG 4. How cyclotron frequen- cies f_c of ions at magne- tic flux tubes could corre- spond to Josephson frequ- encies? a) One has f_c∝1/A (A is the mass number of ion) and f_J ∝1/h_eff∝ 1/n. Taking n=2^kA one would obtain resonance coding. b) The Josephson radiation could be generated solely by electron Cooper pairs and dark ions could appear only at magnetic body. Neural activity would modula- te these carrier frequencies. c) For B_end=.2 Gauss (Blackman's findings) this predicts spectrum of speci- fic EEG frequencies as cyclo- tron frequencies: for proton one would have f_c=300 Hz. d) The band structure of EEG should correlate with cyclotron frequencies of bio- logically important ions. e) Must metaphor can be realized quite concretely. EEG as decomposition to octaves with resonances frequencies at 2.5,10,20,40, 80 Hz and one can even consider the ana- log of music scale defined by cyclotron frequencies of basic ions with f_c in 10-20 Hz and by discrete set of values for membrane potential. The fre- quency modulations realizing right brain sings- left brain talks metaphor can be under- stood.